Student Forum
- The Student Forum will provide an opportunity for students working in the area of dependable computing to present and discuss their research objectives, approaches and preliminary results. The Forum is centered around a conference track during which the selected "student research papers" will be presented.
- Student research papers should be single-authored and describe preliminary results and future directions of the student's on-going research. The papers will be reviewed by a committee led by the Student Forum Chair. Accepted contributions will be published in the Supplement of the 2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks.
- Papers should be no more than three pages long (
double-column format), and should be submitted in camera-ready form,
ready to be printed. There is no revision cycle. Contributions
should be submitted through
Student Forum submission page
as Portable Document Format (.pdf), or Post Script (.ps) files.
- Go to
Student Forum submission page
Acceptance and Notification
- The criteria for acceptance of Student Research Papers will be originality, relevance and interest to the community. You will be notified by April 28, 2005.
Important Notes
- The final submission deadline is April 8, 2005, but you are encouraged to send in your submission well in advance of the final deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted; no fooling. By submitting a Student Research Paper you are committing yourself to present it at the conference if it is accepted.
- Questions or comments about the Student Forum should be directed
to the Student Forum Chair: Philip Koopman (Carnegie Mellon Univ.,
USA)[email protected]
- Philip Koopman (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)
<[email protected]>
Program Committee
- Henrique Madeira
(Univ. Coimbra, Portugal)
Kazuhiko Iwasaki
(Tokyo Metro. Univ., Japan)
- Submission: April 8, 2005
- Notification: April 28, 2005
- The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant
Computing will solicit applications for travel scholarships to
partially offset the cost of students planning to attend DSN-2005 in
Yokohama, Japan, June 28-July 1, 2005.
- To be eligible, the applicant must be enrolled in a degree program
at the time of DSN-2005. Authors of accepted papers, students
submitting papers to the Student Forum, and others are all welcome to
apply. Participation, such as presenting a regular paper or a paper in
the Student Forum will be used as one criterion in awarding the
scholarships, however.
- The Technical Committee anticipates awarding scholarships in the
range of $500. To apply, submit a write-up not exceeding 500 words
stating your student status and summarizing your current research
related to dependable computing and describing how it is relevant to
DSN-2005, what you hope to learn by attending the conference, and how
you expect it to affect your future research directions. Also include
your name, postal address, electronic mail address, telephone number,
and fax number. Applications must be received no later than April 8,
2005 and should be submitted through
Student Travel Grant Application page as
Portable Document Format (.pdf), or Post Script (.ps) files. The awards
will be announced by Apr 28, 2005. Questions about the Student Grant
applications should be directed to the Student Forum Chair: Philip
Koopman (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)
[email protected]
- Go to
Student Travel Grant Application page