
Workshop 1 : Hot Topics in System Dependability

For detailed information, see

Workshop 2 : Dependable Software - Tools and Methods

Dependability includes attributes such as reliability, availability, safety, and security. In order to realize dependable systems, system software must provide not only such attributes against hardware failures and intrusions, but also the software itself must have robustness. Formal methods and tools, such as UML and model checking, have been recently taken into account with a hope that they enable design-time detection of malfunctioning to reduce the cost of debugging.
This one-day workshop covers all aspects of supporting dependable software including theoretical results, case studies, language aspects, software engineering tools, and system software. Topics include but are not limited to:
  • Integrated specification techniques such as UML, OWL and B
  • Software Analysis
  • Software Testing
  • Automated theorem proving such as model checking
  • Interactive theorem proving using proof assistants
  • Abstraction and refinement using logical relations, abstract interpretations, simulations and lax transformations
  • Tools for building dependable systems, such as real-time, WEB service, and distributed systems.
Paper Submission:
We invite authors to submit a full paper of up to 8 pages in IEEE proceedings style. Authors should submit a Postscript or PDF file to [email protected].
Submitted papers will be fully refereed by PC members. Accepted papers will be published in the supplement volume of DSN2005 proceedings.
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline : March 1, 2005
Author notification : March 28, 2005
Camera-ready deadline : April 21, 2005
  General Chair:
Takuya Katayama (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  Program Co-Chairs:
Yoshiki Kinoshita (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Yutaka Ishikawa (University of Tokyo)
Yutaka Ishikawa <[email protected]>

Workshop 3 : Assurance of Networking Systems Dependability Service Level Agreements

Call for Papers:
Two main leading communication technologies co-exist in today's interconnected networking systems and are converging: switching and routing. These two technologies have two different and complementary levels of fault detection and recovery. Switching resiliency is focused on sensitivity to delays and connectivity whereas routing resiliency is focused on traffic losses and traffic integrity.
This workshop investigates the issues and challenges of assuring that a multi-service converged networking system meet tight reliability requirements to meet service level agreements. In particular, the workshop will be focused on discussing and investigating the following questions:
  1. What are the challenging issues of reflecting and estimating the contribution of the various network and protocol levels of resiliency to the service availability and reliability?
  2. How to aggregate the complexity and interactions from four levels of networking functions (Physical, link, network and transport layers) and work with a viable model that reflects the networking system behavior from the service provider and the service user standpoints?
  3. How to account for the interaction between reliability and performance i.e. when modeling and estimating network reliability how to account for the failure/repair behavior and demonstrate an SLA is met under a given engineered bandwidth?
The aim of this workshop is to bring together the dependability communities researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry with the aim of cross-fertilization and creation of strong collaboration among the participants to find practical and viable solutions for these challenging questions.
The 5 best submitted papers based on their relevance to the workshop goals will be selected for presentation at the first half day of the workshop and will be published in the supplement volume of the DSN proceedings along with a summary paper of the issues and challenges discussed and elements of proposed solutions based on the hands on work of the second half day of the workshop.
Paper Submission:
Authors are invited to submit both research and industrial experience papers of 6 to 8 pages on original, unpublished work describing current research and novel ideas in the area of converged networking system dependability modeling and estimation. Papers whose contributions are supported by experimental evaluations are strongly encouraged.
Full papers must be received on March 1, 2005. Submissions should contain no more than 8 two-column pages, including all figures and references, single-space, using 11-point font, and 1-inch margins. To submit your paper, please email it in PDF or PostScript format to [email protected]. Author names and affiliations should appear on the title page.
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline : March 1, 2005
Acceptance notification : March 30, 2005
Camera-ready deadline : April 22, 2005
  Program Chair:
Dr. Saida Benlarbi, Manager, System Reliability Engineering Group, IP Division, Alcatel (Ottawa, Canada)
  Program Co-Chairs:
Prof. Kishor Trivedi, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University (NC, USA)
Dr. Khaled El-Emam, Chief Scientists, TrialStat (Ottawa, Canada)